This Site is an experimental Portfolio created to demonstrate the capabilities of CSS. The challenge, was to create an interactive and fully functional Portfolio without a single line of JS. I want to point out that this was made just for fun and this is not the right way to create websites.
Even though all the content was created by me, this is not a real Portfolio, the content is just for demonstrating purposes and that's the reason there is no actual meaning or specific consistency to it. It could be Lorem Ipsum, it is nonsense poetic stuff instead.
I hope you enjoy your stay.
Notes From The Lethargy
- The Dancer
The Dancer is a Spiritual Creature bound between the gates of Heaven and the Deepest pit of Hell, Cursed to dance the eternal dance of sorrow and despair.
- The Milky WayThe CatThe LampThe Moon
The Loneliest Road of them all, is the small stone road behind the
Cafe Terrace
.Strangely, it's always night on that road. Only cats enjoy themselves in that bitter cursed place - The GlassThe QueenThe Knot
The Unconventional Queen Is always Smiling. Unconventional as she is, she is constantly looking at the opposite directions the others do,
It's a Gift!
She saysI have seen things no other man nor woman have ever, ever seen
- The Fish BoneThe TopazThe Vulture Feather
The Shaman, is the last man that have seen the last Unicorn alive. Unfortunately, he is also the man that saw him die. Now, he seeks to kill the man that saw the Unicorn before him
- The Death HoundThe Horn Of NightmaresThe Eternal Tree
All the nightmares that wake beings up from their sleep and they are immediately forgotten, gather together and come back to the material world to torture the sleepless minds of men
- The DEDThe Screamer
When the Judgement Comes, those who made no choice in fear of making a bad choice, will be left to the void between heaven and hell. Those that make no choice, have no place to belong, they will scream until the end of ages
The Creator
Hmm... My Name is Pavlos Chrisochoidis, I suck at this but I'll try...
I am Web Developer from Greece and although I earn my bread through Web Development, I don't consider myself a Professional, actually I don't consider myself a Professional in any field, instead, I am an amateur in many, I code, I paint,I read, I write and I cook (not always in that order and never all together...).
I got in Web Development some years ago (like... 4 I think?), and since my studies in College had nothing to do with the web, I had to learn it all by myself, the first thing I learned is that www stands for Work-Work-Work ( second was "Can't Style Shit" ) * Third was "Never Stop Telling Stupid Jokes".
The Project
Using CSS to mimic things that were only possible with Javascript, such as tabs, clickable drop-down menus etc, was always a challenge. In this Project, I tried gather all this 'tricks' I've learned or manifested, to create this simple Portfolio. Not actually a portfolio but anyway...
Despite the fact that I used no Javascript at all, there is a lot of PHP behind this, mostly for repetitive tasks, weird calculations and brain-damaging 2d and 3d transforms. I don't know if it could be possible without PHP. I also used SASS ( for the first time in my life ) which also helped a lot, but I ended up with those HUGE selectors. I didn't use any media queries and I don't plan to because the design sucks and I don't think it could fit in a very small screen.
The Design is mine, I know I'm not so good at it but I tried my best to keep it as simple and minimal as I could. The Drawings are also mine, they are details from bigger drawings actually. I also wrote the little surreal descriptions which, as I said before, they are there just to fill the space.
I hope you Liked it and I'll be very glad if you spare some time to send me your impressions via the Contact Form.